AmbiIoT has grouped various types of products that have been designed by us for various customers as well as for various applications that Ambimat wants to drive on this page. This page will give you an understanding of the breath of our work just over the past few years.
AmbiIoT has serviced many customers in this space locally as well as globally. From Vehicle Tracking systems to power measurement devices to now some COVID19 prevention solutions. This grouping contains all the work we have done using 2G, 4G, NBIoT, CAT M1 and now CAT 1 technologies.
Over the years the need for ethernet based solutions has reduced unless we are talking about devices that are to send data only to a Local Area Network, in other words only to be stored within the same premise. Some building automation solutions have been designed using ethernet.
WiFi has been widely used in Smart Home solutions by us. For one of our home automation solutions back in the day and for some other industries recently mainly around in-house consumer device WiFi has been significantly utilized.
LoRa is one of the main components in our Security offering since LoRa is widely used for city Wide infrastructures. The need for security with LoRa edge nodes and gateways is tremendous and a certain missed point by most of the city wide infrastructure development companies.
With Smart sensors to payment solutions NFC has been a boon to communicate with various devices without the extra challenge of having a battery. The same advantage of creating a battery less device stays for UHF as well. UHF based solutions were implemented for tag tampering and for inventory tracking in cold storages.
Sound waves are quickly drawing people’s attention to communicate with feature phones today including moving money to feature phones. AmbiIoT built a payment device over audible frequency range from scratch which could encrypt the data sent to a mobile device using just a tone generating speaker.
Zigbee based solutions have an advantage of a mesh network with a lot of applications in Smart homes as well as city wide infrastructures. AmbiIoT has used this technology to design and develop both Smart home solutions as well as security solutions for city wide infrastructures.
At AmbiIoT we understand that even if there are two products that are to be designed for the same industry, they can be extremely different based on what the client was to offer to the end customer. We spend the time to completely understand all client needs upfront and work all the way from architecting the system to releasing gerber files for PCBs and subsequently board bring ups to make sure the design satisfies all agreed-upon specifications for the customer. With this unique methodology, we assure the best of service to our customers and assure them of complete transparency in our working as well as making sure their IP is protected with us.
We have a 7 step process that we offer to all our customers and the process can be accessed on:-